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Understanding how your MIND responds to and processes emotions

We follow the definition that the brain is an organ, part of our body but the mind isn’t. The mind may reside in the physical place of the brain but is part of the invisible space of thought, attitude, feeling, belief and imagination. The soul can be part of a belief system within the mind. Emotions are a complex interplay between the mind, body and soul.

Understanding our emotions and how to react is key to a balanced life.

Understanding how our mind processes our emotions.

The Mind

System 1 in your mind is emotional

Economic Nobel Prize winner Michael Khanneman in his internationally recognized work has identified that we have two ways of thinking: System 1 which is fast, instinctive and emotional and System 2 which is slower, more deliberative and more logical. When our system 2 is overloaded, system 1 takes over. He points out that even in the logical game of finance or statistics, we humans can show irrational bias based on emotion.

At Balance 2020, we believe that this work shows that when you have a cognitive overload in the mind from various life events or simply the way you live your life, emotions such as irritability, anger or escapism into pleasure can take over, driven by instinctive and emotional thinking from system 1. Stress, fuelled by fear, frustration (anger) even desire can cause havoc in your life balance. Sustained pressure on our cognitive process can lead to emotional outbursts in the wrong place – have you ever felt yourself exploding because the traffic light went red at the wrong time?  It can also lead to wrong decision making when our more logical system of thinking is needed, let’s say at work or big life decision making or with the family. 


Fear is an instinctive emotion triggered subconsciously in our brain. It can be real or imagined. We see danger, pain or harm coming our way. In our mind, we can activate our cognitive thought process to assess whether the fear is real or imagined, and train our mind to calm the emotion.

Anger is triggered subconsciously when our goals or beliefs are blocked. When our mind is full, our cognitive process is overloaded and our instinctive reactions take over. Anger can then be focussed in the wrong place, causing imbalance. In our mind, we can think through our belief system, analyze our goals and train our thoughts to manage our emotion.

Surprise is a fleeting sense triggered by something unexpected. It is short and our thinking assess whether the situation is positive or negative.

Sadness is a universal emotion triggered by loss of someone, something, even the end of an era or empathy of others loss. Our body sheds tears and our soul is as dark as night. Some avoid it. Understanding our emotions and how to react is the key to a balanced life.

Sadness is a sense of loss of something or someone or empathy for others loss.

Happiness is a universal human emotion triggered through our physical senses or feeling connected. We all feel it but can get off balance when overcome by the desire for physical pleasure. Understanding our emotions and how to react is the key to a balanced life. .

Happiness arises through connections and physical sensations

Desire is universal, triggered by a longing for a person, object or outcome. We all experience it but not always in the same way. It can be a strong driving force to action, such as sexual desire or a craving for food or just a wish.

Desire can be exciting as we anticipate joy or have a negative outcome as impulsive action leads to destructive consequences. Understanding our emotions and how to respond is key to a balanced life.

Desire arises without will, it is a longing or hoping for a person, object or outcome.

Disgust is a universal emotion, triggered by a feeling that something is toxic, physically or socially. We all feel it and it can throw our life off balance. Understanding our emotions and how to react is the key to a balanced life.

Disgust is a strong dislike to disapproval triggered by a feeling that something is toxic.

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